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What We Do: Education & Awareness

together, we can make a difference in a kid's life

At the heart of everything and anything BFPC does is putting a spotlight on cancers that affect children, be it through fundraising or volunteering. However,, BFPC, is starting to hone in on education and awareness, holding various workshops and campaigns to educate and make people aware of the cancers that affect young adults and children.

Check them out below!

Check Your Boobies Party: A Breast Health Workshop


In collaboration with the breast and ovarian health awareness organization, CanCan, BFPC hosted a Breast Health workshop for the first time last spring. A representative and breast cancer survivor came to share her story and educate BFPC members on the risk factors, screening methods, and self-examination practices. This seminar was held to show the importance of being proactive and knowing our bodies. It's never to early to check yourself! BFPCxCanCan now plans to hold this workshop annually, be on the lookout for it in the fall/spring.


To learn more about CanCan  visit


Spring 2019:

BFPC's 2nd Annual Education Fair


Education Fair is an open event that aims to facilitate a dialogue between a vast network of organizations and students at UCLA in order to educate each other about the different groups present on our campus. At the event there will be education booths per organization, presentations with speakers in a student-led TED Talk style, casual networking opportunities, and food for those who attend. Our purpose is to educate the UCLA community and provide a positive environment to discuss different causes, areas of interest, research groups, issues, and more.

BFPC members Ricardo and Hannah with Jimmy Kimmel at the event


"If I Were A Kid Again" Campaign​


Inspired by the famous "Before I Die" around the world, BFPC looks to emulate the same spirit of self-reflection on Bruinwalk this year. With chalk ready,  interested students, tourists, or even professors will complete the phrase "If I Were A Kid Again..." on a large painted board. We hope to encourage people to see the inner child in themselves, just as we hope to show kids affected by pediatric cancers that cancer does not, and should not, stop them from being a kid. 

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